Suspension And Banishment of Accounts

Suspended Accounts

William (weblord) Nabaza

Last Update 3 年前

Some accounts are suspended since first they submitted a malicious url and of course it's assumed as intentional since before you can submit you need to signup, verify/confirm your account via email, login and then go to My Sites or go directly to surf button on the left and top right of your membership dashboard, then you need to auto assign 100% of your credits and then you can submit your website. So it takes a lot of effort. 

Then in minutes it's guaranteed your account will be suspended.

Your account's IP address are reported to the authorities like Project Honey Pot, then to your ISP - Internet Service Provider. Your I.P. address will be banned/blocked, and your email address will be blocked.

Sure and guaranteed way to be suspended is use a VPN - Virtual Private Network service or use a proxy. Try it and you'll like it. Though just a word of caution it will not give you a good impression out there.

I'm sure good affiliate marketer will not do any harm or things that can ruin your reputation.

I could easily put you on youtube, publish the personal information of the offenders and abusers and post you on the forum and blog, but what a waste of time to do it on a loser's account. So I changed my mind not to do so.

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